Visualizing MOPs trends (Ysabelle, Yi Jie)
How affordable are HDB resale flats that just MOP-ed for people in Singapore?
Social Robots One-stop Platform (Sharmayne, Zhouqun)
Summary, dashboard and database of key aspects of social robots.
Bubble Tea Market (Ruth, Janice)
Overview of the bubble tea market in SEA and Singapore.
Walk how far to see doctor? (Alice)
Examining equity of public transit access to healthcare in Singapore by comparing last-mile walking distance between healthcare facilities and different public transit stops.
Urban Adventures (Huang He, Xiaofei)
Visualizing a Person's Journey through the City
The Trend of Urbanization in Indonesia (Angga)
The project is the story of internal migration, unequal access to basic amenities, over-density, and the rise of the new urban sphere in Indonesia amid the growing number of urban population which surpass the rural population.
COVID-19 Data Visualisation (Peng Duo)
Using data visualization to represent the entire growth process of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Predicting Chinese citizen’s intention of building home gardens (Yunjie)
Data Visualization of Applying an Extended Version of the Theory of Planned Behavior to predicting Chinese citizen’s intention of building home gardens.
Understanding Recommondation Algorithm through Visualization (Kainan)
Enable the user to visualize how the recommendation is made based on their preference, using Spotify music dataset.
Where the trees at? (Darren)
Comparing concentration of trees between different subzones in Singapore represented on a choropleth map.