To be completed before 11-4-2022(Thurs) 1200hrs
A choropleth visualization shows off which subsdistricts have the most population in SG.
The main visualization encoding has been chosen - a choropleth map.
However, feel free to add in a legend, a title and any interaction tooltips as you prefer.
I have gone through in class building a choropleth in D3, but you can build this in whatever platform you choose as long as the result is visible in your assignment repository.
For example, purely in Leaflet, ArcGIS, Mapbox, etc.
I've given links to both the datasets used so you can feel free to take the data from there.
However, I've also cleaned the dataset on both the GeoJSON data and also the 2023 population data.
I've also included a simple template D3 starter.
You also might want to refer to this for help.
Chi-Loong | V/R