Chart types

9a-1: Hierarchical / network data

Recap: How to design viz idioms

Recap: Data Types

  • Tabular data
  • Networks
  • Geographic / spatial
  • Fields
  • Hierarchical

D3 Graph Gallery

D3 Graph Gallery, by Yan Holtz

Data to Viz

Flowing Data: Chart Types

Hierarchical data

A classic example is flare.json, which is JSON with a tree-like structure.

Flare.json is commonly seen in D3 examples. This dataset is based on an ancestor of D3.

Each leaf node represents a source file while each internal node represents a folder. The leaf node’s value is the size of the file in bytes. A Visual Bibliography of Tree Visualization 2.0

How to visualize hierarchical data: zoomable sunbursts, packed circles and treemaps, Flourish Studio

Idiom: Treemap

What: Data


How: Encoding

Area marks and containment, with rectilinear layout.

Why: Task

Query attributes at leaf nodes.

Scale Leaf nodes: thousands. Links: thousands.

D3 Graph Gallery - Treemap

Treemap, ObservableHQ, flare.json

Treemap Art, Ben Schneiderman

How have Singaporean homes changed over the decades?, ST (Proportional map)

Idiom: Sunburst / Icicle

What: Data


How: Encoding

Marks laid out in a circular or rectangular fashion.

Why: Task

Query attributes at leaf nodes.

Scale Leaf nodes: thousands. Links: thousands.

Sunburst, ObservableHQ, flare.json

Icicle, ObservableHQ, flare.json

ENERGYA Global Breakdown of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector, World in Data

Idiom: Packed circles

What: Data


How: Encoding

Area marks and containment, with circular layout.

Why: Task

Query attributes at leaf nodes.

Scale Leaf nodes: thousands. Links: thousands.

D3 Graph Gallery - Packed Circles

Zoomable packed circles, ObservableHQ, flare.json

Circle Packing UI, V/R

Example: Sexual violence in Singapore: a crisis, Kontinentalist

Idiom: Dendogram

What: Data


How: Encoding

Tree-like structure.

Why: Task

Query attributes at leaf nodes.

Scale Leaf nodes: thousands. Links: thousands.

D3 Graph Gallery - Dendogram

Cluster Dendogram, ObservableHQ, flare.json

Paths to the White House, NY Times


Network data

Recap: A collection of nodes and links.

Idiom: Force directed layout

What: Data

Network. Derived: cluster hierarchy atop original network

How: Encoding

Point marks for nodes, connection marks for links.

Why: Task

Explore topology, locate paths and clusters.

Scale Nodes: Hundreds. Links: Hundreds. Node/link density: L < 4N

D3 Graph Gallery - Force diagram D3-force testing ground, Steve Haroz Collapsible force layout, Mike Bostock

Idiom: Adjacency Matrix

What: Data

Network. Derived data — table: network values as keys, link status between two nodes as values.

How: Encoding

Area marks in 2D matrix alignment.

Why: Task

Small area marks allow for high information density to inspect network (clustering, frequency)

Scale Nodes: 1,000. Links: a million

Compare: Adjacency matrix vs force diagram, Mike Bostock, Les Miserables dataset.

Idiom: Chord Diagram

What: Data

Network, where you want to show many-to-many relationships from nodes to other nodes.

How: Encoding

Radial arcs between nodes to show relationships.

Why: Task

See holistic overview of relationships.

Scale Not so many nodes that the chart gets too messy.

D3 Graph Gallery - Chord Diagram

Data to Viz Chord Diagram

Chord Diagram, ObservableHQ

Visualizing Ukraine’s Top Trading Partners and Products, Harrison Schell

Idiom: Sankey

What: Data

Network, where you want to show paths (and especially a quantitative value in the links) from one class of input nodes to a class of output nodes.

How: Encoding

Point marks for nodes, scaled connection bands for links.

Why: Task

See holistic overview of paths from the inputs to the outputs.

Scale Not so many nodes that the chart gets too messy.

D3 Graph Gallery - Sankey

Sankey, ObservableHQ

Africa's Rising Cities, Washington Post

Flying during Covid-19: When will Singapore’s air travel take off again?, Straits Times

Idiom: Arc Diagram

What: Data

Network. Useful if there is an ordering of nodes that makes the layout tidy.

How: Encoding

Point marks for nodes, arcs for links.

Why: Task

Explore topology, locate paths and clusters.

Scale Nodes: Hundreds. Links: Hundreds. Node/link density: L < 4N

D3 Graph Gallery - Arc Diagram

Arc Diagram, ObservableHQ

How Covid19 widened inequality in Asia, Kontinentalist

Idiom: Edge Bundling

What: Data

Network of adjacency relationships organized in a hierarchy.

How: Encoding

Point marks for nodes, arcs for links.

Why: Task

Reduces visual clutter and also visualizes implicit adjacency edges between parent nodes.

Scale Leaf nodes: thousands. Links: thousands.

D3 Graph Gallery - Bundle

Edge Bundling, Data to Viz

Hierarchical Edge Bundling, ObservableHQ

Feeling Thirsty?, BeerViz


Chi-Loong | V/R