Visible light is roughly in the wavelengths of 400nm (4 x 10-7m) to 700nm (7 x 10-7m).
More detail on the fovea
Red cones, or L-cones. 64% of total cones, maximally sensitive to long-wave light
Green cones, or M-cones. 32% of total cones, maximally sensitive to medium-wave light
Blue cones, or S-cones. 2 – 7% of total cones, maximally sensitive to short-wave light
Left: Illustration of distribution of cones in fovea of human with normal color vision.
Right: Illustration of distribution of cones in fovea of human with protanopic vision, i.e. no L-cones (red cones)
Color blindness is genetically inherited. About 8% men (esp. northwestern European descent), 0.5% women around the world
Red-green color blindness is passed down on the X chromosome, of which men have only 1 X chromosome (women have 2).
Common: red-green deficiency (deuteronomaly). Uncommon: protonomaly.
Rare: blue-yellow deficiency, tritanomaly.
Video: What causes color blindness?
Vischeck: color blindness simulation and correction
A colorspace is a system for describing color numerically.
There are many more: XYZ, Munsell, CMS, etc.
Reading: List of color spaces
Left: Magnification of pixels on a screen. Right: RGB color cube.
RGB colorspace is additive (i.e. more colors added, the lighter it is).
Problems: Not perceptually uniform.
Video: CIE 1931 Chromaticity Diagram
Video: Color Gamuts
Reading: Standard RGB (sRGB) and chromaticity
CIE (Commission internationale de l'éclairage, or International Commission on Illumination) - international authority on light, illumination, colour, and colour spaces.
CMYK colorspace is subtractive (i.e. more colors added the darker it is).
CMY is lighter than RGB. For print only.
Reading: Why printing uses CMYK
H = Hue, S = Saturation (vividness of color), V/L = Value / Lightness
Left: Hue described radially. Right: HSV color cylinder
Problems: More intuitive, but also not perceptually uniform.
L = Lightness, a = red-green scale, b = yellow-blue scale
Designed to better approximate human perception of color.
Perceptually linear (or close).
H = Hue, C = Chroma, L = Luminance
H and C are transformations of a and b in the Lab model.
Perceptually linear, and more intuitive.
Magnitude channel (quantitative) or identity (qualitative)?
4th channel: Transparency (used as layer for interaction)
Recap: color blindness
Reading: "Perceptually uniform?" D3 color scales
Reading: 5 tips on designing colorblind-friendly visualizations
Redundantly encode channels - shape, tooltip, etc.
Recap: Channel effectiveness: Discriminability.
Not too many color bins. Perceptually distinct colors.
Channel: separability - luminance and saturation are not the most separable. Also not separable from transparency. For separability, pick hue vs saturation / luminance.
Channel: salience (popout) - small number of bins.
Rainbow color maps: Pros and cons
Reading: Choosing colors for your visualization
Reading: Using color in Information Display Graphics (NASA color usage research lab)
Color is perceived differently depending on how it is contrasted with other colors. It is relative and not absolute.
Bezold Effect and White's Illusion
Reading: Luminance contrast
Reading: Simultaneous and successive contrast
Color theory is the collection of rules and guidelines which designers use to communicate with users through appealing color schemes in visual interfaces.
Chi-Loong | V/R