Important figures

Aka literature review

Jacques Bertin


Semiology of Graphics (1967)

Key ideas:

  • Visual variables (marks)
  • Early taxinomy of network layouts - arc diagram, treemap, etc.
  • Bertin's matrix (precursor to the modern heatmap!)
  • Interaction ideas (before computers!) on "reordering" rows before presenting results

Edward Tufte

Principles for visualizing quantitative information (1983)

Key ideas:

Hans Rosling (1948-2017)

TrendAnalyzer and Gapminder

Key ideas:

Ben Shneiderman

Human Computer Interface, information visualization

Key ideas:

Leland Wilkinson

Grammar of Graphics, 1999

Key ideas:

Handley Wickham, Mike Bostock

Ggplot2 (Handley) and D3 (Bostock)

Bostock is also the founder of Observable HQ

This NYT visualization by Bostock started me down my rabbit hole.

Others: (mainly blogs)

Flowing Data (Nathan Yau)

Information is Beautiful (David McCandless)

Visualizing Data (Andy Kirk)

Junk Charts (Kaiser Fung)

Interactive Data Visualization (book) (Scott Murray)


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